1. Design of Secure Authenticated Key Management Protocol for Cloud Computing Environments

2. A Data Sharing Protocol to Minimize Security and Privacy Risks of Cloud Storage

3. A Fuzzy Approach to Text Classification with Two Stage Training for Ambiguous Instances

4. A Hierarchical Attention Model for Social Contextual Image Recommendation

5. A Hybrid eLearning Recommendation Approach Based on Learners Influence Propagation

6. A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing

7. A Novel Load Image Profile Based Electricity Load Clustering Methodology

 8. A Practical Attribute-Based Document Collection Hierarchical Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing

 9. A Probabilistic Source Location Privacy Protection Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

10.A Secure G-Cloud-Based Frame work for Government Healthcare Services

11.A Secure Searchable Encryption Frame work for Privacy-Critical Cloud Storage Services

12.ATrust-Based Agent Learning Model for Service Composition in Mobile Cloud Computing Environments

13.Active Online Learning for Social Media Analysis to Support Crisis Management

 14.An attack resistant trust inference model for securing routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

15.An Attribute-based Controlled Collaborative Access Control Scheme for Public Cloud Storage

16.An Efficient Method for High Quality and Cohesive Topical Phrase Mining

17.Analysis and Accurate Prediction of Users Response Behaviour in Incentive-Based Dem and Response

 18.Android User Privacy Preserving through Crowd sourcing

 19.Applying Simulated Annealing and Parallel Computing to the Mobile Sequential Recommendation

20.Authenticated Medical Documents Releasing with Privacy Protection and Release Control

 21.Characterizing and Predicting Early Reviewers for Effective Product Marketing on Ecommerce Websites

22.CLASS Cloud Log Assuring Soundness and Secrecy Scheme for Cloud Forensics

23.Clustering Based Collaborative Filtering Using an Incentivized Penalized User Model

24.Collusion Defender Preserving Subscribers Privacy in Publish and Subscribe Systems

25.Composition Context-Based Web Services Similarity Measure

26.Conversational Networks for Automatic Online Moderation

27.Crypt DAC Cryptographically Enforced Dynamic Access Control in The Cloud

 28.DCCR Deep Collaborative Conjunctive Recommender for Rating Prediction

29.Detecting Pickpocket Suspects from Large-Scale Public Transit Records

30.Dynamic Multi Keyword Ranked Search Based on Bloom Filter Over Encrypted Cloud Data

31.Efficient conditional anonymity with message integrity and Authentication in a vehicular ad hoc network

32.Enabling Authorized Encrypted Search for Multi Authority Medical Databases

33.Fast Communication-efficient Spectral Clustering Over Distributed Data

34.Filtering Instagram hashtags through crowd tagging and the HITS Algorithm

35.Fundamental Visual Concept Learning from Correlated Images and Text

36.Fuzzy Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing for Reliable Cloud Storage Systems

37.Hidden Cipher text Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Fast Decryption for Personal Health Record System

38.Towards Secure Industrial IoT: Blockchain System with Credit Based Consensus Mechanism

39.Joint Hypergraph Learning for Tag-based Image Retrieval

40.LBOA Location Based Secure Outsourced Aggregation in IoT

41.Learning Customer Behaviours for Effective Load Forecasting

42.Memory Leakage-Resilient Dynamic and Verifiable Multi-keyword Ranked Search on Encrypted Smart Body Sensor Network Data

43.Mining Users Trust from E-Commerce Reviews Based on Sentiment Similarity Analysis

 44.Multi Party High Dimensional Data Publishing under Differential Privacy

45.NASM Nonlinearly Attentive Similarity Model for Recommendation System via Locally Attentive Embedding

 46.Network Representation Learning Enhanced Recommendation Algorithm

47.Normalization of Duplicate Records from Multiple Sources

48.Novel Multi-Keyword Search on Encrypted Data in the Cloud

49.On Scalable and Robust Truth Discovery in Big Data Social Media Sensing Applications

50.Online Public Shaming on Twitter Detection Analysis and Mitigation

 51.PersoNet Friend Recommendation System Based on Big-Five Personality Traits and Hybrid Filtering

52.PMOD Secure Privilege-Based Multilevel Organizational Data Sharing in Cloud Computing

53.Predicting Cyberbullying on social media in the Big Data Era Using Machine Learning Algorithms

 54.Privacy aware Personal Data Storage PPDS Learning how to Protect User Privacy

55.RescueMe Smartphone Based Self Rescue System for Disaster Rescue

56.Revocable Identity Based Broadcast Proxy Encryption for Data Sharing in Clouds

57.Robust defence scheme against selective drop attack in wireless Ad Hoc Networks

58.Scheduling Real Time Security Aware tasks in Fog Networks

59.Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Forward Search Privacy

60.Secure and Efficient Skyline Queries on Encrypted Data

61.Securedata groups haring and conditional dissemination

 62.Secure Key Agreement and Key Protection for Mobile Device User Authentication

63.Selective Authentication Based Geographic Opportunistic Routing In win

64.Sensitive Label Privacy Preservation with Anatomization for Data Publishing

65.Social Network Rumour Diffusion Predication Based on Equal Responsibility Game Model

66.Spammer Detection and Fake User Identification on Social Networks

 67.Transactional Behaviour Verification in Business Process as a Service Configuration

68.Trust Relationship Prediction in Alibaba Ecommerce Platform

69.Trust-based Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing in Online Social Networks

70. Using Data Mining to Predict Hospital Admissions from the Emergency Department